Every year, the EU produces 64 million tons of spent grains, 20% of which end up in landfills. BeSoGreat aims to transform these spent grains, a byproduct of beer production, into biodegradable plastic materials.
In recent years, the global biodegradable polymer market has grown by more than 20%. Deroma, always attentive to sustainability, is a key partner in this project, leveraging its long history and experience in the sector.
PROJECT | Interreg Italy-Austria Program 2021-2027 ITAT-11-012 BeSoGreat CUP: B48G23000000005
DURATION | 24 months (2024 – 2026) ongoing
PROJECT OBJECTIVE | To promote a new circular business model by utilizing beer spent grains, which represent about 85% of the total solid byproduct mass of the beer production process.
DEROMA'S ROLE | Deroma will provide know-how and qualified personnel for the design of polymer products for injection molding technology.
PROJECT BUDGET | Total budget: €1,025,806.52 EUR
FOR MORE INFORMATION visit: https://interreg.net/it/progetti-interreg-it-at/besogreat/