Below, we provide abbreviations and symbols for the materials used in our secondary and tertiary packaging.
As stipulated by Decision 97/129/EC, this information is displayed either directly on the secondary/tertiary packaging or on the transport document, in extended form or through digital tools such as QR codes or references to this website. We recommend always following the current guidelines in your municipality for proper disposal.

- Schrumpffolie Etiketten

- Beutel Kappe
- Schrumpffolie
- Stretchfolie - Karussell
- Verpackungen

- Kabelbinder

- Karton
- Pallbox
- Pallbox-Deckel
- Display
- Wabenplatten
- Kartonpalette

- Nicht-wellpappe
- Kartonräder/Schnüre

- Anweisungen
- Einfaches Papier

- Etikett

- Etikett
- Umreifungsband
- Abstandshalter
- Bindungen
- Klebeband

- Polystyrolformen

- Shrink film

- Pallet wrapping
- Shrink wrap
- Bags and coverings
- Packaging

- Cable ties

- Corragated fibre board
- Cardboard
- Cardbaord pallet

- Non-corrugated cardboard
- Cardboard wheels/cords

- Instructions
- Simple paper

- Labels

- Tape
- Spacer ties
- Pallet strapping

- Polystyrene

- Película retráctil Etiquetas

- Bolsa
- Capucha
- Película retráctil
- Película estirada - Carrusel
- Embalaje

- Bridas

- Caja
- Pallbox
- Tapa Pallbox
- Exhibidor
- Hojas alveolares
- Palé de cartón

- Cartón no ondulado
- Cartón para ruedas/cordones

- Instrucciones
- Papel simple

- Etiqueta

- Etiqueta
- Fleje
- Separador
- Cintas
- Cinta adhesiva

- Formas de poliestireno

- Film thermorétractable

- Collier de serrage
- Sacs sous vides

- Carton ondulé Boîte
- Couvre-palettes
- Présentoir
- Feuilles en nid d'abeille
- Palette en carton

- Carton non ondulé

- Papiers simple
- Instructions

- Sahets
- Capuchon
- Film rétractable
- Film étirable
- Emballage souples et rigides
- (100% recyclable si rigide)

- Etiquette

- Etiquettes
- Labels
- Etiquettes adhésives
- Ruban adhésifs
- Entretoise

- Modèles en polystyrène

- Film Termoretrazione

- Sacchetto
- Cappuccio
- Film Termoretrazione
- Film Stirato - Giostra
- Imballi

- Fascette

- Scatola
- Pallbox
- Coperchio Pallbox
- Display
- Fogli Alveolari
- Paletta cartone

- Cartone non ondulato
- Cartoncino ruote/cordoncini

- Istruzioni
- Carta semplice

- Etichette

- Etichetta
- Reggia
- Distanziale
- Legacci
- Nastro adesivo

- Sagome polistirolo